Title says it all, I’m leaving the craftymynes server
To be honest, Minecraft is a (fun) time waster for me, I play it when I’m bored, but now I see it mostly as a socializing environment. I have found more interesting things to do rather than a block game. I am not quitting Minecraft entirely, as you will sometimes see me on other servers, but I will mostly be doing other things. Anyways, this server has been fun, from getting killed by laggy_gif to raiding with blesian to building with theforgotten20, I’ve made lots of friends, but I’ve never been able to fit into a faction. It might be my lack of time and patience that I can dedicate to this game. It might be my habit of staying completely neutral to boost the economy. Or it could be my constantly shifting interests. It explains why I play here in bursts of up to a few months. This time, I am quitting all but one server because it is the only one that I find enjoyment in anymore. If you are interested and still want to play with me you can dm me on discord. But otherwise, it’s been fun.