CraftyMynes Owner AMA

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    I get a lot of questions all the time on the forums and in the teamspeak, some of them are asked often enough to be put on the FAQ, but others are asked once and lost forever. I thought this might be an interesting way for the players of CraftyMynes to see behind the scenes and learn more about what it takes to run the best server in the world!

    Questions could be anything from what language is the server manager written in, to what do you do with all the pizzas sitting in your mailbox.

    I'm interested to see what you guys come up with :D

    - Crafty

  2. Do you speak any other languages besides English? And computer

  3. How do you manage to eat all the pizzas and stay relatively skinny

  4. What kind of hair product do you use?

  5. @Captain_Mitchell Do you speak any other languages besides English? And computer

    Being in Canada, I was "Forced" to take french, however, I opted for taking spanish because I could do it later on in school, (I like procrastinating) but then I somehow managed to get my 51% for spanish to pass without showing up to more then the first class, not quite sure how I managed that. So no, I don't speak any other languages.

  6. @BoneChi11er How do you manage to eat all the pizzas and stay relatively skinny

    My job is very physically demanding, and I am growing like there is no tomorrow. This lovely combination allows me to eat whatever I want as much as I want and never get fat.

  7. Can I have your autograph

  8. Okay :)

  9. @Nysic What kind of hair product do you use?

    When I was young and my sister lived in the same house as me, I used her shitty designer hair stuff (was really bad for my hair), then I switched to head and shoulders. I don't use gel or anything or even care enough to cut my hair, as long as it's clean I am happy. Funny story, when I was first starting out in my job (Boat Mechanic) I was sanding the bottom of a lot of boats, the dust from the boats would get into my hair and when I washed it, the water would go deep blue, or black or whatever the color of the dust was.

  10. @Beedobi Can I have your autograph

    To this day, I still don't have a proper autograph, I just do a little scribble and call it good.

  11. Thats what I do and why Head and Shoulders? I hate that stuff.

  12. @Captain_Mitchell why Head and Shoulders? I hate that stuff.

    Cause I don't have the time or patience to test other stuff.

  13. On average how many question do you receive every time you log onto CraftyMynes?

  14. do you ever play on craftymynes with a alt just to chill and experience survival?

  15. @Slattern On average how many question do you receive every time you log onto CraftyMynes?

    Extremely hard to count, I get a lot of private message conversations and at least 3 lost homes while I'm on. Most of the questions for me are filtered by the staff and systems. I have over 190 private messages on the forum.

  16. @ardoasms do you ever play on craftymynes with a alt just to chill and experience survival?

    I use alts all the time so I can get command block work done without a huge amount of questions. Before I started full time work, I had a nice base with some good mob farms, auto sorter and auto smelter. Now with full time work and server stuff to do, I don't have any time to play the game, once I go back to school I hope to get back to my survival alt and continue the base I was working on.

  17. Lol a pry into your personnal life.
    I then have to ask a question/ a series of questions.
    Are you married? If so have any kids? Do they play on the server?
    Forgive my noseyness but I have to ask. You don't have to answer if you dont want to.

    @CraftyMyner Being in Canada, I was "Forced" to take french.

    Your Canadian. Shocking. :)

  18. @FishW Are you married?

    Yes, to the server.

    @FishW If so have any kids?

    We had one, he claimed he was my son and he was 16, found that kinda funny cause I was only 18 at the time.

    @FishW Do they play on the server?

    He played on the server until he got banned I think, for claiming he was my son to get around getting banned for hacking.

  19. Is your base within the border range where it can be griefed/raided?

  20. @FishW Lol a pry into your personnal life.
    I then have to ask a question/ a series of questions.
    Are you married? If so have any kids? Do they play on the server?
    Forgive my noseyness but I have to ask. You don't have to answer if you dont want to.

    Your Canadian. Shocking. :)

    @CraftyMyner Yes, to the server.

    We had one, he claimed he was my son and he was 16, found that kinda funny cause I was only 18 at the time.

    He played on the server until he got banned I think, for claiming he was my son to get around getting banned for hacking.

    lol, thats hilarious

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