Fresh Start on Craftymynes

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by darktyui

    I and quite a few of people on Craftymynes seem to be getting progressively bored/looking for a team/quitting. So to combat this I and going to be starting a village/build area for prominent Craftymyners were we will all start from scratch. No bringing items from your old base and you must empty your e chest or not use the items in it at all.

    Post below or ./msg me in game if you would like to join this build area/village and as I stated before only people who have been on craftymynes for awhile can join I will not allow new players to join because I want to make sure to get people that will not grief/betray.

    Benefits of joining

    1. Fresh Start
    2. Make new friends and play with new people
    3. Protection from Team Eye. As I am the leader of Team Eye they will not be able to grief/raid this build.

    People who Have been accepted into the village/build area:
    Some people might be thinking this is a trap set by team eye to get an easy raid. Well you can take me word for it that this will not happen but some people might not believe me. So if it comes to light that this was a trap any admin/mod can ban me permanently from the server or ill just make a post asking to be permanently banned.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    @darktyui Some people might be thinking this is a trap set by team eye to get an easy raid

    some people, sure.

    @darktyui Well you can take me word for it

    your word?
    it means nothing to me

  3. thats why I put the ban thing at the bottom

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    @darktyui thats why I put the ban thing at the bottom

    thats why alt accounts exist

    you guys are the main reason of players quitting, maybe you should stop trolling and get a fresh start with your bob the griefer team

    isn't this exactly what Harvestar was before you raided us?

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Cellexya

    Didn't Harvestar raid Team Eye when Sov dropped the coords first though?
    (not trying to be salty, just curious)

  6. Indeed @Cellexya

  7. I'm not sure if you stated this or not, but is this a part time commitment? I've you decide to build here, are you expected to set a home at the build area and permanently abandon your prior builds. Not that that could be enforced, but I'm just curious

  8. While I think it's a good idea dark, i think team eyes reputation might be a issue to a lot of players.
    Maybe get a few players people consider trustworthy to join your town?
    It would help others take the leap of faith required for this project

  9. @wblaine128 I'm not sure if you stated this or not, but is this a part time commitment? I've you decide to build here, are you expected to set a home at the build area and permanently abandon your prior builds. Not that that could be enforced, but I'm just curious

    Since everyone is starting from scratch I wouldn't want people bringing in items from your old base to the build spot. So Im looking for full time commitment. However you can leave at anytime you wish to go back to your old one.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Chips_The_Gamer

    Are you going to start from scratch as well ? =P

  11. We all are gonna start with nothing

  12. To be honest, I believe nothing wrong will happen with this fresh start. Everyone will be starting new and will have nothing. Team Eye's reputation may be in the way for people to join, but if you join, I see no loss. You'll be bringing nothing and you'll be starting new.

  13. When is the start date of this base?

  14. @mithraculus When is the start date of this base?

    When we get 10 people we will start the base

  15. Watch when he screws everyone over.

  16. Deleted 8 years ago by SummerRose1994
  17. You should rename Team Eye to Team Fresh lol

    Maybe that will help? :P

  18. I can halp for some time, on my other server I cant do anything just yet due to someone thinking I griefed em, I can help for a bit e.g. starting the farm

  19. Let me join Darky

  20. Whilst i wouldnt like to meet darktui in the wilderness, and just to balance things up a bit, i would point out that he was as good as his word showing me where the public end grinder was on legacy and didnt kill me a total newbee at the time. Have fun with this new project.

  21. Newer ›

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