The future of CraftyMynes rests in your hands!!

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    In hopes to improve CraftyMynes for all players, I have created a survey. All questions are optional but I would really appreciate honestly answering all questions. The responses from this survey will be used to determine the future of CraftyMynes.


    Thank you very much,
    - Crafty

    Side note, I take feedback very seriously, I look at every suggestion and make my best attempt to make dreams come true. Heres a very small selection of the many suggestions I have made a reality:

    You want a discord, you get a discord:
    You wanted a better filter that also works on language and links, you got it:
    You wanted a sun up message, you now have a way to know the time:
    You wanted armor stands with arms, you get them:
    You wanted your buckets back, you get them:
    You complained about VIP+ reneweal fees being too much, fixed:
    You wanted a better server, you got it:
    You wanted to sort by rank, you got it:
    When faced with shutting down the AI system, I made it better then before:
    You asked questions, you got answers:
    You wanted no timeout, you got no timeout:

  2. I filled it in

  3. Thank you very much!!

  4. filled it out :D

  5. Done, thank you!

  6. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    @CraftyMyner You wanted armor stands with arms, you get them:

    #inspiration :D
    I'll take the survey for sure now, and I'll fill in legit answers, not troll ones(not that I would have done that before.....)

  7. Done :)

  8. Done and done

  9. done!

  10. Felt like I was taking a test. Did I fail?

  11. Completing survey now.

  12. Done!

  13. Submitted.

  14. Done!

  15. Thank you for all your hard work, this is the least we can do in return

  16. I filled it out and tried to be constructive with my suggestions. I personally love this server as it is and have great respect and admiration for the staff and owners.
    I would enjoy more in game mini games like the maze and treasure hunts. I have missed a few and would love a notification board or repeating message in chat upon login to remind me to check them out.

  17. done!!

  18. no mini games plz, maybe some sort of redstone system so you can sell things in shops while your offline in spawn? like standing shops you have to buy plots for with votes/ VIP

  19. Just done the survey, made more detailed answers on some questions and thoughts :)

  20. @gilbertboys no mini games plz, maybe some sort of redstone system so you can sell things in shops while your offline in spawn? like standing shops you have to buy plots for with votes/ VIP

    I've thought about that too! Similar to other prison genre servers, it would be cool to add player owner rooms that work as shops. An player who meets the needed requirements could msg an admin a picture of what their small (8x8ish) room would look like, and put signs with prices, red stone shops, or even villagers. I understand the likely hood of this is low, but it would be very cool and interesting to see players infuolence the economy and even the dynamic of spawn.

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