blackened dawn

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  2. 7 years ago

    @CraftyMyner smh here for go again. if general means something else then plz let me know. i had something to say to her about my thread being locked and censored the way it was. so what exactly would you have named the damn i learned to love the atomic bomb? im done with your forums period. stick um.

  3. uh guys

    why are we questioning dawn

    shes out to get us

    run while you can

  4. @TheBlizWiz uh guys

    why are we questioning dawn

    shes out to get us

    run while you can

    power trip

  5. Also not to sound like a Salty bitch or anything, but can my Logo be deleted from further use I won't have the motive to go fourth on the project for awhile and it'd be bad for that, it wasn't about the money anyway I can make side cash easily with commissions alone it was about my support and love for CraftyMynes, Both Staff and community It was an honor for me, this backlash and arguing dimmed me out a that bit and I'm sorry it did.

    I would post in the proper thread but it's old and I don't really want to make a new thread for one request.


  6. Can we just come to the middle ground of players being considerate of staff and staff being more lenient about things while still keeping a leash on the threads and forum community?

  7. Honestly this whole thread seems to be a miscommunication and refusal from both parties to meet halfway.

    Yes, you as players have the ability to post almost anything (controversial rule breaking excluded) in the general chat.

    Staff have the ability to lock threads to prevent avoidable arguments, pointless revivals or encouragment of spam/duplicate/questionable topics.

    If a staff member locks a thread you believe is still relevant, you could start a PM with them, even add a 3rd party for neutral viability and lay out your reasoning in a civilized manner.
    Instead, what we end up dealing with is a massive string of people fighting each other on all points, with no one willing to back down, either because they think they're right, they're wrong but have support of others, or even that they're simply stubborn about their choice.

    We are here to watch over the community, who share one common interest- Survival Minecraft on the best dam vanilla server out there. We created a forums where those people could talk, and laugh, and learn from eachother. we do our best to keep this forum from turning into utter chaos, and that means sometimes we have to be the bad guys. you dont like it, you may not understand it, you may not even see it as relevant, but that how it is.

    Also, my apologies for deleting the thread that this whole thing is about. if i had read more of it id probably have more things to say.

  8. @BaronBattleBread

    "Honestly this whole thread seems to be a miscommunication and read]refusal from both parties to meet halfway. "

    i agree that it was a misunderstanding from the beginning as i didn't have an attitude. the whole thing was all in fun and no harm meant. there's nothing for me to meet half way on. i just didn't like the way an overpowered person with no couth handled the situation.

    "Yes, you as players have the ability to post almost anything (controversial rule breaking excluded) in the general chat."

    my point exactly Baron however that was not the the case at all now was it?

    "If a staff member locks a thread you believe is still relevant, you could start a PM with them, even add a 3rd party for neutral viability and lay out your reasoning in a civilized manner. "

    good point Baron and perhaps i should have taken this approach. although i have a feeling it would have ended worst but i won't know.

    "Survival Minecraft on the best dam vanilla server out there"

    Hey!!! we can agree here!

    "means sometimes we have to be the bad guys."

    Don't mind you guys having to be bad guys at all i do understand that is a necessary evil but certainly not in this case. If someone wants to be an ass all the time...well then you'll get what you get when treating ppl that way. you guys don't think what she said or did is wrong hell you guys embrace it and suck up to her. not a way to be for a person in power. you're hell on wheels and a bad ass because you can ban me? lmao wow. i apologized to R4iscool1 for my short sounding response. as i meant no ill will towards him and thanked him for responding period as i thank you for your time as well. but when blackened dawn wants to throw her miserable attitude around and then claim i have an attitude? lol ok right on. when crafty mynes wants to attack the mere title of my thread? lol ok right on.....i have an bout you were pure ass wrong and be done with it instead of trying to justify and cover it. i apolized and have heard nothing but bullshit from Blackened and Crafty. i know i know it's yalls server who the hell am i?

  9. ^^^^

  10. @Jericho_Tsunami but when blackened dawn wants to throw her miserable attitude around and then claim i have an attitude? lol ok right on. when crafty mynes wants to attack the mere title of my thread? lol ok right on.....i have an bout you were pure ass wrong and be done with it instead of trying to justify and cover it. i apolized and have heard nothing but bullshit from Blackened and Crafty. i know i know it's yalls server who the hell am i?


    Outty before gets pouty and rowdy.

    guys just relax.

    what's the point of this anyways? It's getting no where, making the arguers upset and end up having this thread locked when all it was all for the right reasons but went about the wrong way of doing so

    @Jericho_Tsunami Blackened dawn it was a harmless petition (suggestion) no need to act as a dictator with such censorship. it was in general discussion. if this is how general discussion goes with other players then you can have it. but do what you need to feel good.

    In essence just let it go. Staff has their reasons for doing things and (even if you don't get it) they do it with good intentions.

    Just relax. and let it. go.

    Dawn just be more appealing to players. Yes the " Be nice you get nice" Philosophy works but only if people think you CAN be nice. I do my little narrations and place you in a predator position because you are cold but still have a justifiable reason of doing so. Less ridged more fluid. that's my two cents and hopefully this'll get locked soon. but let it be Crafty to do so and justify his action of doing so.

    or don't. I don't really care. It would be the best way to end this thread so things are settled. Up to you.

  11. This thread is still going ._.? lordy

  12. @Jericho_Tsunami Blackened dawn it was a harmless petition (suggestion) no need to act as a dictator with such censorship. it was in general discussion. if this is how general discussion goes with other players then you can have it. but do what you need to feel good.

    @darktyui yeah I also would like to know why the thread deserved to be locked

    @Pimpcy The locking of threads lately is totally unorganized and out of whack imo
    Like how tf is someone supposed to post what they like if they revive an old thread with potential it may get locked due to everything being considered necro post, If they attempt to make a new thread to avoid that, THAT can be locked and they are shown older already made threads.

    Sometimes threads are locked just because someone simply doesn't LIKE it while others are having casual fun with the topic literally no harm

    the logic is so stretched out

    @Pimpcy I've seen faction threads with vital info still on them get locked that can and were still in use that just shits all over the gameplay and trying to connect members for your team?

    I've seen threads with potential get locked I mean who's to say "witty weapon names" are going to be locked due to it being old when so many people can come back with new ideas.

    And silly, harmless, ones get attacked as well just because someone doesn't like it give the players some freedom come on. ( still could of been edited or updated in the same thread unless the owners wanted it locked I don't see the issue) ( I agree this one was heavily debated and pushed but the person never got the promise of it being unlocked and notified idk if it was solved or not but worth mentioning the actions) ( small games like this and little lore, stories, etc getting locked when people are still having fun with them makes no sense unless the original poster or majority of people deem it unworthy to continue I don't see the problem) ( don't know if this got solved in pm or not but makes no sense locking if the same situation occurred is it that triggering to respond in an old thread when the issue still exists? )

    it's not a matter of leniency, Locking random threads with barely an excuse and not wanting to deal with them is more on the slacker side.

    these are just few of the many examples

    Lmao why is being the owner brought up when I was simply stating an opinion makes no sense it's just useless snark.

    @Pimpcy Some of those responses weren't even answered correctly I could go on forever debunking all that but I'm not going to stray away from topic it would be useless focusing on examples to the MAIN but those were added in there for support

    It doesn't require heavy observation, deleting comments vs locking threads takes up little time between the other I think staff find more satisfaction just locking things here and there and not wanting to read a few messages. you guys are always on the forums it's not like it's rare to see a staff colored name?

    @Pimpcy Also not to sound like a Salty bitch or anything, but can my Logo be deleted from further use I won't have the motive to go fourth on the project for awhile and it'd be bad for that, it wasn't about the money anyway I can make side cash easily with commissions alone it was about my support and love for CraftyMynes, Both Staff and community It was an honor for me, this backlash and arguing dimmed me out a that bit and I'm sorry it did.

    I would post in the proper thread but it's old and I don't really want to make a new thread for one request.


    @GrinningBobcat Can we just come to the middle ground of players being considerate of staff and staff being more lenient about things while still keeping a leash on the threads and forum community?


  13. Edited 7 years ago by TheBlizWiz

    Staff: Feel free to delete is post if you care to do so. I will not retaliate. Staff has the right to censor when it is appropriate to maintain peace.

    Okay, I am not one that should be doing this, but I will.

    I defend the staff on this point, and let me show you why. This was an part of an appeal I had to type live in Google Docs to appeal my behavior on the forums.

    ...Let’s cut it short.. I acknowledge that I made a mistake and that I crossed several lines in doing so.

    It was not in good taste or within rules to mock staff by copying what a staff member did and doing so without the authority to do so. The staff have the rights to break rules in order to maintain the forum’s stability and moderation. I do not. It is not my personal job to moderate the forums myself. I am not a member of staff, am certainly not qualified to be staff, and definitely not paid to be staff.

    It was also not within the rules to necropost. Personally, I have used some other forum sites in the past, and I had trouble with this is the past. However, this kind of necroposting is not the kind of necroposting that should be done, if any at all. Necroposting is one thing, but trolling while necroposting is another.

    In short, staff members have real jobs and are on a real clock with real schedules. Having to divert their attention to deal with someone who doesn’t care in the moment, (Or doesn’t realize in the moment) wastes valuable time that could be used somewhere else.

    Lastly, I am human, and I do make mistakes. However, as myself, I am very quick to regret and repent those mistakes. Often times, it takes a ban or suspension for me to realize these things. Immediately I know that I have crossed a line. However, any staff member would tell me that I need to repent at the first warning. This is completely understandable by me....

  14. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @Jericho_Tsunami i apolized and have heard nothing but bullshit from Blackened and Crafty. ?

    lolwot I haven't been on the forums since 11 pm last night and just got home from work. what bullshit you talking about?

    also @Pimpcy I removed the art from the discord, if you see it anywhere else please contact me to remove it

  15. @HaloNest truth

    Do you just talk to talk or do you have anything to contribute to the thread that you want to be addressed?

  16. talk to talk with a hint of relevance @iclutchHD

  17. well if threads are deemed important and still kinda relevant when they get locked, couldnt there just be a locked thread archive like ive seen on other forums? that solves the issue of threads vanishing due to no more replies, since by what im seeing it seems like a lot of the outrage is from relevant info being buried and this may help solve that issue. Both sides win because arguments can be avoided like staff want and info doesnt vanish like i think a lot of thr players want.

    disclaimer: this is all based upon the opinions ive picked up from this thread and if i misread, too bad

  18. @ardoasms well if threads are deemed important and still kinda relevant when they get locked, couldnt there just be a locked thread archive like ive seen on other forums? that solves the issue of threads vanishing due to no more replies, since by what im seeing it seems like a lot of the outrage is from relevant info being buried and this may help solve that issue. Both sides win because arguments can be avoided like staff want and info doesnt vanish like i think a lot of thr players want.

    disclaimer: this is all based upon the opinions ive picked up from this thread and if i misread, too bad

    seems legit. yA SEE PEOPLE. miiiddddlllle groooouuunnddd.

  19. Thanks Dawn

    When an admin has time if Possible A repost from here

    this guy too it'd mean a lot Since it's no longer irrelevant to keep alive

    That would cover all of them

  20. I edited your posts removing the links to your image.

  21. @iclutchHD Do you just talk to talk or do you have anything to contribute to the thread that you want to be addressed?

    I don't talk the talk and what needed to be said has been said by others lined over my post

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