The Selfie Thread!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    how do you guys post pictures? geez I never realized how technologically challenged I am

  3. -image-

  4. -image-
    Omg I did it guys... Btw that's my pup I'm always talking about XD

  5. that "pup" is a giant fuzz ball waiting to crack any hard hearts we may possibly have here. . .

  6. -image-
    Trust me, she knows it!

  7. The fact that I haven't posted a stupidly ridiculous picture of myself here for a while is something that I don't quite understand. I might post one when I kinda get myself into learning this mighty German language of which I know whole 10 words...well atleast I can say something nice. Kind of. :P

    That and I'll post a selfie one day. :D There's enough of them but yolo I could post another one eventually.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Here's one of me that I made late at night (about 4am). Also the first actual selfie of me in here, probably the very first real selfie I made in my entire life.

  9. dem eyes ;P
    it's like you're staring into my soul

  10. -image-

    Here's a picture of me. I'm not much of a selfie person so I don't have any and people rarely have pictures of me. You have a better chance of getting picture of bigfoot vs. One of me. If people demand an actual selfie then I'll take one :P

  11. Deleted 8 years ago by HaloNest
  12. ? Lol @HaloNest

  13. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  14. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @AnimeFan4Life [img] edited link [img]

    This is the funniest picture i have of me =D

    You guys won't be seeing anymore ;)

    not to sound like a creep

  15. *nudges @KatcheD 's dropped jaw up* could agree.

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @AnimeFan4Life [img]edited[img]

    This is the funniest picture i have of me =D

    You guys won't be seeing anymore ;)

    It's weird how many times 'your selfie' is on Pinterest and Google images

  17. Busted

  18. was about to say that looks a bit too good for a player de minceraft

  19. Edited 8 years ago by MasaruCyri

    If people aren't comfortable showing their actual face, they shouldn't. But lying about an appearance isn't good. People are beautiful no matter what.

  20. Lying about what you look like...


    Just post something real, nobody is going to care if you don't meet society's classification of buetiful. This is a Minecraft Forum ffs

  21. Blesian

    17 Jan 2017 Suspended

    Anyone know catfish hotline?

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