The 30 stacks of obsidian will add nicely to my build, thanks @Aerrad <3
The 30 stacks of obsidian will add nicely to my build, thanks @Aerrad <3
dats tuff
All memes aside this is one of the best solo builds that i have come across with my time on server, shout out to @Mike_Nelsen for being a good sport about it and best of luck to him in the future.
laugh in english pls
@Inyashi laugh in english pls
@SharpSerac jajajajajaja
i hate u
@Inyashi i hate u
Here at iwarriiors's Renovation Services are motto is: Renovate, Redecorate and Update!
i think i have a job for the Renovation Service...
Tried racing on Rainbow Road but kept falling off, was never very good at Mario Kart ;(
Hi. Nice
I'm sorry, I <3 you @Tekk42
@iwarriiori I'm sorry, I <3 you @Tekk42
Time to revive thread xd. A nice little cave base.
@iwarriiori Im not trying to say that griefing shouldn't be allowed but i'm interested in what you enjoy about it other than the fact of blowing stuff up why do you do it? Also you raided DraconHoff Once i rebuilt it again you been back yet?
@DoppyRex @iwarriiori Im not trying to say that griefing shouldn't be allowed but i'm interested in what you enjoy about it other than the fact of blowing stuff up why do you do it? Also you raided DraconHoff Once i rebuilt it again you been back yet?
I too think that griefing is pointless from time to time, and there are a lot of nice bases out there being giefed which stinks, but in order for the server to be cleansed some sacrifices need to be made and i just happen to be the one doing just that. And I'm not sure what you're talking about, is it the one with the windmill?
it did have a windmill also a town square and a mine?
@iwarriiori Not sure whose base this is, but had plenty of concrete and shulkers to use in future renovations! See below:
Oh, I see you found my first little hidey hole. I used that as my offsite storage for quartz and other stuff. The sudden transition from nice little grotto to giant freaking crater is quite amazing though. Did you find the hidden shulkers after making a hole that size though?