iwarriiori's renovation services

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 4 years ago

    Town down.



  3. looked way better without the texture pack lol

  4. excellent renovations. team eye never disappoints. #TownIsGone :crab:

  5. mittins for mod

  6. The CraftyMynes Imperial Navy recently contracted iwarriiori's renovation services to handle one of our more 'unique' endeavours. They've zoned in on a crew of notoriously savage pirates, who were confirmed to be living on ship wreckage in the middle of the ocean, and though they recently took out their captain Imperfectpenguin the rest of the bandits were too much of an issue to handle by themselves.

    So, we had to step in and renovate their shoddy """base""" ourselves. This will hopefully reduce maritime crime as our hard working patriotic merchants and craftsmen can now sail the seas of CraftyMynes in peace, without being crystal bombed by disgusting smelly pirates like Imperfectpenguin.



  7. Great renovations will buy again!

  8. @Imperfectpenguin Great renovations will buy again!

    considering recent events, i doubt that

  9. Edited 4 years ago by iwarriiori

    Hacker scum @JTSlone

  10. /shrug

  11. idk

  12. Edited 4 years ago by iwarriiori

    The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

  13. 3 years ago

    @iwarriiori The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

    thank u for the science fact and awesome grief, very cool :)

  14. Hey guys, heres a stinky base that literally no one cares that I renovated. 10/10 reno job xddddd

  15. bruh i spent weeks on that base

  16. Haha, i wanted to see when you found my base, and it was January 14th, thats my birthday! XD what are the odds!!

  17. I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.

  18. damn look at that crater. kinda crazy we yoinked like 20 beacons from there, along with countless double chests of supplies and such. thanks for the free materials @CommanderCat_ @Scootle_ @HoomanResources @Custard_309 @Nerolito your countless hours of work are appreciated and we thank you for providing us with the best you have collected :) good luck on restarting from nothing

  19. oh, and stay tuned for an awesome video recapping the best parts of us (Team Eye) blowing this place to smithereens! the editing will be top notch, you will enjoy it for sure. well, maybe not the people who we absolutely dumpstered on xd

  20. @Schlocked oh, and stay tuned for an awesome video recapping the best parts of us (Team Eye) blowing this place to smithereens! the editing will be top notch, you will enjoy it for sure. well, maybe not the people who we absolutely dumpstered on xd

    Please make sure the editing is in early 2000's MLG quickscope hitmarker style

  21. Fantastic reno! Team eye never disappoints. Excited for that epic video! :D

  22. Newer ›

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