1. 7 years ago

    when's the next one? i think the server could really use it with all the woodland mansion madness and the fact that this map has been up for quite a long time. will there only be a reset with the next big update?

  2. We only update when absolutely necessary (i.e. command blocks update, hardware update requires it)

  3. Perhaps this is a silly question - forgive me - but I'm honestly curious.

    How do other servers go completely without server resets? I know of a server that has gone many years without resetting the map. Granted, they use plugins, but is there some plugin that prevents the need for wiping a map? If not, why do we reset at all when servers like that one manage to run for years without one reset? Especially with our world border, I would think it would be do-able to never reset.

    Although, I don't run any servers, so I wouldn't know. :)

  4. minesy

    11 Aug 2017 Suspended
    Edited 7 years ago by GibsonAxe

    How do other servers go completely without server resets? I know of a server that has gone many years without resetting the map.


  5. @minesy you shouldn't mention other servers

  6. Edited 7 years ago by GibsonAxe

    @minesy How do other servers go completely without server resets? I know of a server that has gone many years without resetting the map.


    Don't mention other servers mate

  7. @NerdieBirdieYT servers go completely without server resets? I know of a server that has gone many years without resetting the map. Granted, they use plugins, but is there some plugin that prevents the need for wiping a map? If not, why do we reset at all when servers like that one manage to run for years without one reset? Especially with our world border, I would think it would be do-able to never reset.

    Although, I don't run any servers, so I wouldn't know. :)

    Well rarely do servers have as big maps as ours.
    Of course some servers just ignore or it or world edit it out, however in CM's case that wouldn't really help.

    Though Spigot/Bukkit does have various mechanics which do help corruption too.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    @R4iscool1 I know of a server that has many Terrabytes worth of map. Their map is the biggest Minecraft allows, I believe.

    But yeah, they do use some sort of plugin, so I suppose that's what makes the difference. I guess I'm just confused because that server doesn't have some of the issues we do on CM, like woodland mansion problems, empty villages, etc, at least to my knowledge, and it's been around for every Minecraft update after multiplayer launched.

  9. Well I'm sure you could with time and dedication as well as the help of plugins maintain a map indefinitely but at that stage it really isn't worth it IMO. Certainly wouldn't be very practical but if you have a lower playerbase then you could host it on HDD's which would decrease the cost.

    The reason we have the Mansion issue is due to the partial reset unfortunately same with villages.

  10. Ohhh, gotcha. So that's not an issue with MC itself, then.

  11. @NerdieBirdieYT Perhaps this is a silly question - forgive me - but I'm honestly curious.

    How do other servers go completely without server resets? I know of a server that has gone many years without resetting the map. Granted, they use plugins, but is there some plugin that prevents the need for wiping a map? If not, why do we reset at all when servers like that one manage to run for years without one reset? Especially with our world border, I would think it would be do-able to never reset.

    Although, I don't run any servers, so I wouldn't know. :)

    For the latest reser we messed up our economy and so we were forced to.

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    I would personally like a no-reset world, but I would like that border at 1 mil if that were the case since with enough time within 100k, it'll be pretty much all loaded. Since that isn't realistic due to how much space a no-reset 2milx2mil world would take up, I don't think it's a possibility considering this is vanilla. Even with the map size we have now, I think it would be "possible" but hard to maintain, laggy and still massive in terms of storage.

  13. i'd prefer the map to be 1k by 1k, world border at 500 xd

  14. @SharpSerac 6k is not to bad lol

  15. Edited 7 years ago by 2Chill

    @SharpSerac i'd prefer the map to be 1k by 1k, world border at 500 xd

    @javonjw @SharpSerac 6k is not to bad lol

    Hm , for a player base the size as craftymynes i think 25-30k would be better than 6k or 1k , people could still build then but with more risk and more chance for the pvpers and griefers .
    Also , i think with a smaller world , technically wouldn't that mean less lag also , or would it not matter does it only consider loaded chunks ? i am guessing not since it still seems to be able to count all enitys even if not loaded , i.e squids etc ?

  16. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00

    Finally someone brought this topic up

    The issue isn't limited to mansions or villages. It's been affecting all generated structures, I've found a tempe one time that had guardians but no temple or elder guardians ( i've posted it on the fourms if you don't believe me. ) Jungles temples with no chests, and many unraided end cities with some missing chests where chests should've been.

    This is the partial reason while I've been waiting out to rejoin until a reset occur, but the more important part is simply because I feel like the economy has gotten steadily worse over time. for example, gunpowder being in much more demand than stock, totems being nearly impossible to find naturally, personal opinion, but with also elytras and shulkers notably decreasing in value.

    thought the 100% reaosn on my economy doubts, on the topic of totems; they're just going to be simply to become more rarer then they already are as the player held-totems and lack of mansions are going to decrease the amount of totems until the ones left are the people with totems who aren't willing to sell em'. the only way totems are going to fixed is if mods decide to influence the economy (which likely wont happen) or if people begin to secretly dupe them and disturb them and when the dupers are found out, become banned. it's a loose-loose situtation for totems until a evental reset occurs.

    Also unrelated, but I have a theory how many totems are exist in the world, I had raided 6 mansions on foot before the partial reset, and around the late 500' mark in maps was when I started getting maps that went pass 100k, so in theory, there should be around 560-600 mansions and totem wise, depending on the amount of evokers/totems, there should be 2-6 times by the amount of mansions in the world

  17. A 200k x 200k world boarder takes up 978gb on disk when fully populated. Deleting old world chunks causes issues to with structures and spawning.

  18. A progressive increase is world size would probably piss people off

  19. I played on a server once where the map was beloved by so many people it was polled and they made it so that the map generated new chunks procedurally by a set amount including the new content. (This was when emerald ore was introduced)

  20. DUDE! no map reset, i just got here and got so many goodies!

  21. Newer ›

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