The King's First Livestream!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by SharpSerac

    Hey all, I was wondering earlier why I haven't been as interested in MC, and then it hit me! I haven't been giving to the less fortunate!
    This Sunday at 7:00PM EST I will be hosting a livestream charity event to give to the poor on CraftyMynes! You can donate whatever you want, and I will personally deliver your goods on stream with a shoutout to you! You can even donate swords with a name like "Sharp's Gift" or you could use your name if you'd like, so the one receiving your gift knows who it was donated by. I will also be donating a large amount of my own materials, including diamonds, emeralds, gold, iron, weapons, armor, potions, potion ingredients, redstone/redstone builds, shulker boxes, food, and much, much more!

    This livestream will be happening on my Twitch channel so make sure to follow and turn on notifications so that you know when I go live!

    EDIT: Anyone who tunes into the livestream will be entered into a raffle with a chance to win 2 god armor sets! Make sure you're watching that day and watch for when I announce the raffle, could be in the middle of the stream or at the end, so you have to watch to find out!

  2. I gave already give me a shout out, lol

  3. I won't be there ;-; but I do want some stuff haha.

  4. to help the cause i will be giving @SharpSerac a shulker of enchanted diamond pickaxes and some other extra goods

  5. Heyo I'll donate 31 iron blocks

  6. A stack of dirt

  7. Edited 7 years ago by TimeKing297

    Well I all I have is ores so I guess I will donate some gold blocks, but I also wish to Resive some some of thing because I don't have any thing but my ores now.

  8. @TimeKing297 Well I all I have is diamonds so I guess I will donate sone gold blocks, but I also wish to Resive some some of thing because I don't have any thing but my ores now.

    All you have is diamonds (donates gold)

  9. Ores*

  10. I'll donate a stack of cobble

  11. Really? That's a low blow, making your own livestream at the exact same time and day as Nerdie. You're just trying to hurt Nerdie cause you hate him. Always trying to out-do him to take away what he's trying to build up. Don't even say it isn't related to this, we know it is. He's been advertising it for days, you well knew the date. It was only now you figured out a new way to damage him. At least before you were just hurting him in game, but now you're trying to hurt him in views? Seriously, grow up.

  12. I'll donate a stack of Drops of Luck, Mellifluous Hunger, Minedrakes, Demonic Blood, Diamond Vapor, Fanciful Thread, and some vacant mirror rooms as well. Oh, and Leonard's Urn, for a lucky player.

  13. @deyahruhd I'll donate a stack of Drops of Luck, Mellifluous Hunger, Minedrakes, Demonic Blood, Diamond Vapor, Fanciful Thread, and some vacant mirror rooms as well. Oh, and Leonard's Urn, for a lucky player.

    Wow a Leonard's urn! I hear that players can put one of their brews in there and cast it like a spell using that!

  14. Edited 7 years ago by j____a____r____d

    @SharpSerac Wow a Leonard's urn! I hear that players can put one of their brews in there and cast it like a spell using that!

    It's absolutely ridiculous having to kill Leonard to get it, too. Hopefully this will brighten someone's day!

    It's definitely great that the King is hosting such an event to help facilitate altruism within the community, instead of greedily gaining views.

    Like really, some of y'all need to consider that other players aren't as fortunate as you are, so you don't need to go on flexing about how you can experience a magnificent build first hand, while at the same time relegating that experience as some display/show of it for others to lap up. That just screams of greed to me, which King Serac does not have.

  15. @Dennari43 Really? That's a low blow, making your own livestream at the exact same time and day as Nerdie. You're just trying to hurt Nerdie cause you hate him. Always trying to out-do him to take away what he's trying to build up. Don't even say it isn't related to this, we know it is. He's been advertising it for days, you well knew the date. It was only now you figured out a new way to damage him. At least before you were just hurting him in game, but now you're trying to hurt him in views? Seriously, grow up.

    It's nice how he's doing something nice tho, I support this!

    Btw I got past bookshelves in parkour

  16. Deleted 7 years ago by JuraraJupiter
  17. It's funny because he's trolling by being nice, even though he's technically competing with Nerdie. No rules against that. I wouldn't even consider this a troll honestly.

  18. -image-

  19. I think I'll also tour the lands of Harvestar during the stream as well! If any Harvestar members would like to give the tour and explain where everything is that would be much appreciated.

  20. @SharpSerac I think I'll also tour the lands of Harvestar during the stream as well! If any Harvestar members would like to give the tour and explain where everything is that would be much appreciated.

    Tour Skull Mountain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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