Current richest recorded players on craftymynes

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    So today I was wondering who currently are the top 5 richest players on the server, but I have no clue...
    So, maybe we can try and figure out who are those individuals, or guilds if the goods are shared.

    First off by richest I mean the owners of most diamond blocks, God Armors, spawn eggs, iron, special items and God gear.

    I'm looking forward to hear about you all's fortune, and let's see who are the richest!

  2. I am guessing @SharpSerac is one of the richest with the dragon egg and Crafty's head

  3. Yeah

  4. hMmmMm

  5. Sknup is very up there
    Depends though on what ypu find valuable

  6. @HaloNest First off by richest I mean the owners of most diamond blocks, God Armors, spawn eggs, iron, special items and God gear.


  7. So yes sknup then

  8. I Know a guy, lol

  9. Edited 7 years ago by MistakeMade

    @sknup Has the Greatest Base estimated at a value of 496300+ Diamond Blocks, 1800+ Full sets of God Armor, or $68,000,000,000 USD

  10. @MistakeMade @sknup Has the Greatest Base estimated at a value of 496300+ Diamond Blocks, 1800+ Full sets of God Armor, or $68,000,000,000 USD

    So more than the entire GDP of Uzbekistan?

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Th3GreenGamer

    Well I have 5 stacks and a bit of iron blocks, about 4 stacks of diamond blocks, I run a business on god gear, I have a majority of spawn eggs from dec 2016 - now. Here are my various other oddities.

    Not sure if this I'm rich, poor, or in the middle.

  12. You run into the same problem that you have when you try to set standard values for items, CM is a barter economy and people value different resources differently so trying to measure wealth from that isn't really possible.
    You also have to account for the fact some contenders would never report it and some have stopped playing.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    @MistakeMade @sknup estimated at a value of 496300+ Diamond Blocks, or $68,000,000,000 USD

    It is actually closer to $516 979.16
    Here is a thread where a player sold VIP+ for 24 DBs

  14. Edited 7 years ago by TomTom900

    I guess I'm pretty rich :) some people know why some don't please don't say why xD

  15. @Jordi223b His builds are worth 68,000,000,000

  16. I'm the richest in parkour cookies, both in rare misspelled and in regular. I might also be in the top 10 concerning lore items. I know I'm not in the top 10 richest, but I'm probably above average, so I guess here's a guideline of average richness to go off of.

    I have over a years worth of crafty crate material, including eggs and lore items, the server's head, a dozen Baron heads and the armor sets from the maze, over 2 stacks db, over 12 stacks iron blocks, over 5 stacks gold blocks, over 5 stacks emeralds blocks, 12 beacons plus 2 special nether stars, 3 totems of undying, Notch apple, minimum 5 god sets excluding the ones on display at my base, 14 dragon heads, 13 elytra. Probably in the top 30 richest.

  17. i am obviously the richest player hands down because of the items that i possess. second richest would probably be another team eye member but who? :thinking:

  18. Probably Javonjw?

  19. @HaloNest Probably Javonjw?

    and @LittleOwlet3 :)

  20. These factions! These so called "Popular factions" haven't helped the server's economy at all!

    What really matters is the existence of a these Faction creators. That is the existence of a few ones.
    Of gigantic Leaders! They are not intressted in helping the economy at all

    Corrupted Factions!

    They are the one! They are the ones that do not want us to have a good economy!

  21. Newer ›

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