Team Eye Application 1.13 Reset

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by darktyui

    Do you like PVP? Do you like raiding? Do you like to grief? Do you like handing out fat L's to all the BK novices of the server? Look no further than the richest and most powerful faction on the server! Team Eye is a band of the greatest players to ever grace the server. Think you have what it takes? Apply now!

    Current Roster:
    Leader: darktyui
    Owner: 2Chill
    Looking for:

    • Experienced Craftymynes player (no new players)
    • Above Average Minecraft knowledge
    • 18 or older
    • Must have mic and must talk on discord
    • Building, redstone, and artistic skills give you a big bonus

    Fill out application below and make a private msg with me, SharpSerac, and iwarriiori to apply for the faction.



    When did you first join CraftyMynes?:

    What is your tick count?:

    How experienced are you in PVP?:

    How do you like to play the game?:

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.):

    Why do you want to join?:

    What skills do you bring to the table?:

    You may also comment below if you have questions about the application or the faction.

  2. @darktyui Do you like PVP?


    @darktyui Do you like raiding?


    @darktyui Do you like handing out fat L's to all the BK novices of the server?


    @darktyui Think you have what it takes?


    @darktyui IGN:


    @darktyui Age:


    @darktyui When did you first join CraftyMynes?


    @darktyui What is your tick count?

    how do you count a tick?

    @darktyui How experienced are you in PVP?

    i am experienced in pvp

    @darktyui How do you like to play the game?

    i like to play the game

    @darktyui Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.)

    hi my name is stone warrior and i want to join your country for peace and prosperity i hope you have prosperity there i dont have items beacuse i was sent to spawn can u tell me how to vote for the name and location im 7 btw im not sure how to vote but i wouldve voted for barney can we roleplay in the cities i want to roleplay as the llama because i really like lamas they are very cool and nice animals and i can only play on weekends after i yelled at my dad because i was so pissed because joe from my school killed me and left me at spawn so i would like if it wasnt too far because it would take for me a long time to come beacuse im at spawn im at spawn because joe sent me to spawn can you give me some items and gear joe from my school killed me and sent me to spawn and i thought he was my friend anyways i want to build a wooden house and farm and if you have an enderchest in your base i hope you have it beacuse i lost all my items because joe form my school killed me and sent me to spawn but if you have the echest i can take out my diamond gear its not enchanted because joe from school killed me

    @darktyui Why do you want to join?

    like i said joe from my school kililed me and sent me to spawn and i want to get revenge on joe from my school and kill him and send him to spawn

    @darktyui What skills do you bring to the table?

    i used to have my diamond gear in my ender chest but joe from mys chool killed me and sent me to spawn but if i kill joe i can eat his enderchest and get my diamond gear back from school and send it to spawn to joe and i can get diamond gear

  3. IGN:D3rbyshire_Critz Formally known as XxPoYsEr2K14Xx

    Age:17 but I turn 18 in a couple months so hopefully it doesn't matter :D

    When did you first join CraftyMynes?: I first joined craftymynes a bit over a year ago

    What is your tick count?: I can't remember but I assume it was quite a bit

    How experienced are you in PVP?: I've been pvping in minecraft for years now although I have taken a break from the game I am sure I can get back to standard

    How do you like to play the game?: I like to kill and generally fuck shit up

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.): I enjoy gaming because it's the only thing I do in life because I'm a saddo, I also enjoy football though.

    Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I've had encounters with team eye before and they are the perfect group for the things that I want to do. I've known about team eye for a long time and have always expressed interest in joining them but never got round to it. I also would like to join because my close friend from the server Javon is apart of it.

    What skills do you bring to the table?: I bring a wide range of skills that include killing and blowing shit up and generally being a massive arsehole to any of your potential enemies

  4. Look who it is oo

  5. What's up dude :D

  6. Long time no see, glad you're back :)

  7. yeah I finally finished my college course so I'm gonna be on a lot more hopefully

  8. @XxPoYsEr2K14Xx Oo, haven't seen you around but what did you major in?

  9. I dunno about majors mate I live in the UK xD It was an Engineering course to start a career pretty much

  10. @darktyui Do you like PVP? Do you like raiding? Do you like to grief? Do you like handing out fat L's to all the BK novices of the server? Look no further than the richest and most powerful faction on the server! Team Eye is a band of the greatest players to ever grace the server. Think you have what it takes? Apply now!

    Current Roster:
    Leader: darktyui
    Owner: 2Chill
    Looking for:

    • Experienced Craftymynes player (no new players)
    • Above Average Minecraft knowledge
    • 18 or older
    • Must have mic and must talk on discord
    • Building, redstone, and artistic skills give you a big bonus

    Fill out application below and make a private msg with me, SharpSerac, and iwarriiori to apply for the faction.

    IGN: greanprowler101

    Age: 25

    When did you first join CraftyMynes?: 2016

    What is your tick count?: 3mil

    How experienced are you in PVP?: i play luckyblock pvp all the time

    How do you like to play the game?:building big projects

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.):

    Why do you want to join?: lonely out here in the jugle

    What skills do you bring to the table?:
    Skilled in redstone

    You may also comment below if you have questions about the application or the faction.

    just want slme people to build and raid with.

  11. @darktyui Do you like PVP? Do you like raiding? Do you like to grief? Do you like handing out fat L's to all the BK novices of the server? Look no further than the richest and most powerful faction on the server! Team Eye is a band of the greatest players to ever grace the server. Think you have what it takes? Apply now!

    Current Roster:
    Leader: darktyui
    Owner: 2Chill
    Looking for:

    • Experienced Craftymynes player (no new players)
    • Above Average Minecraft knowledge
    • 18 or older
    • Must have mic and must talk on discord
    • Building, redstone, and artistic skills give you a big bonus

    Fill out application below and make a private msg with me, SharpSerac, and iwarriiori to apply for the faction.



    When did you first join CraftyMynes?:

    What is your tick count?:

    How experienced are you in PVP?:

    How do you like to play the game?:

    Tell us about yourself (anything you'd like us to know, or general information about hobbies etc.):

    Why do you want to join?:

    What skills do you bring to the table?:

    You may also comment below if you have questions about the application or the faction.

    @inyashi said warrior was 12 years old...

  12. @Retrochewy @inyashi said warrior was 12 years old...

    He is, but he's an older member so he's not held to the same standards as newer members.

  13. Due to some strong executive decisions, Team Eye has been officially renamed to ''Team Clown''

  14. Team Clown :


  15. Deleted 6 years ago by acraft222
    • IGN: DeJean
    • Age: 18
    • Playing since: June 2018
    • Ticks: 14.2 million
    • PVP: experienced (since 2014 into PVP)
    • Minecraft: I like the game because it gives you so many options and so much freedom to do what you want.
    • I'm an agressive player who likes progress.
    • I would like to join because of this clan being feared and powerfull, and because raiding is fun :D.
    • I'm a good deciver and insider at clans, I'm also a big fan of redstone and farms.
    • No further questions cause i know this clan is something for me!


  16. ooooh is 2chill in it aswell?
    nice, hes cool!

  17. @DeJean -IGN: DeJean

    • Age: 18
    • Playing since: June 2018
    • Ticks: 14.2 million
    • PVP: experienced (since 2014 into PVP)
    • Minecraft: I like the game because it gives you so many options and so much freedom to do what you want.
    • I'm an agressive player who likes progress.
    • I would like to join because of this clan being feared and powerfull, and because raiding is fun :D.
    • I'm a good deciver and insider at clans, I'm also a big fan of redstone and farms.
    • No further questions cause i know this clan is something for me!


    Application is under review.

  18. has there been made a desicion yet about my application?

  19. @DeJean has there been made a desicion yet about my application?

    Application is currently under review.

  20. Newer ›

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