Why did you choose the name you did?

  1. 8 years ago

    It's always interested me, so I'll think I'll ask
    Why did you choose the name you did? Is there any reason or meaning behind it?
    I'll go first judging as it's my post XD

    I had kik on my phone and had just bought a tablet, and wanted a second account for it, i was 14 at the time. People then in the groups I spoke in called me Danny (although no one in real life does XD) and I love/have an obsession with sharks, so the name Dannysharks was born. I have a few other usernames but that's my main

  2. Confederacy- A league or alliance, typically formed for illicit purposes

    I wanted to see how many people understood this.

    Other than that I didn't know what to use as a name, and Confederacy was taken, so _Confederacy_ was born.


  3. Edited 8 years ago by PapaNeon

    Me and a few friends had a clan on mw3 for awhile, "Neon". My name was originally Neongingers, but I was talking with my friend one night, and we were making jokes. one thing led to another, and now I'm Neonjews.

  4. I'm actually no longer sure where my name came from cos it came about form when i was like 6 but I'm pretty sure that the "jam" part comes from my name - James - after that i have no idea i was a very weird child (tbh i still am)

  5. Well, When I was finally changing my name from StaticSword (Stupid alt name), I couldn't use the name I use for almost everything, the name I had taken as my own for a few years now. Blacksraven.
    So I decided to go for a new name, Seeing as I enjoyed the Elder Scrolls and always played as a Dunmer, and the Raven part of my usual name, It feel simply into my lap. And viola.
    That is how the Raven you all know and probably hate came into being :P

  6. (Where's the caw? :P)

  7. @_Confederacy_ (Where's the caw? :P)

    Caw isn't always required :P

    Caw! Caw!

  8. @TheDunmerRaven That is how the Raven you all know and probably hate came into being :P

    We don't hate you (that much :P ) Caw!

  9. bSan is actually how I sign the projects I develop (name and surname)

    420 stands for... things...

  10. MY name was chosen from an old childhood memory of a book i enjoyed about dwarves that were imprisoned by humans, forced to work as slaves- they overcame their human captors by having the cooks make BattleBread, wich they used to escape their chains and bash in the head of the king that declared them slaves in the first place. :)

  11. Edited 8 years ago by argonFiles

    i remembered an old name suggestion from a friend from a few years ago ..no context, of course

  12. Deleted 8 years ago by Fingerbib
  13. Mtbsharkman comes from my love of sharks and mtb (mauntin bilking)
    So the name was born. There are no shark emoji so

  14. i just kinda smushed my first andd last name together in a creative way :P

  15. I first used the ign "Venetorem" when i was 8 when i joined some mmorpg, don't even remember the name. I made some great friends i still keep in touch with to this day. We decided to play another game, and we all used the same usernames so we could find each other easier. That pattern continued with every game i started, singleplayer or multiplayer, fps or sim. Over the last 14 years (god that hurts...), "Venetorem" is as much my name as my given one. I even have some friends that just call me Vene and not Jason. There are many games that i have never tried because i couldn't gt the name (too long and Vene was too short or taken...)

  16. Beedobi is the name of a character I love very much (designed by Pimpcy). No it isnt from anything, hes actually my own character. He looked like a bee, dog and bird hybrid when he was being created so I named him Beedobi, a mash up of all the words. I liked how it easily rolled off the tongue so i kept it that way. Ironic he ended up being a moth dog hybrid, nothing to do with a bee or a bird.

    Then i got back into playing Minecraft and needed an account name that i could stick with, so I chose my home boy Beedobi. It's been my username ever since.

  17. I was eating strawberry while choosing a name, so Cileklim was born.
    (cilek = strawberry)

  18. Edited 8 years ago by CraftyMyner

    Simple, I am Crafty and this name is Myne.

    There's a longer version:

    I used to watch this guy and he responded to one of my comments, I thought it was so cool I named my character after the way he spelt MyneCraft.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by mightymyntz

    Growing up, I always saw myself as someone who was kind and considerate, but could get feisty if necessary. I guess I equated that with how mints taste in your mouth, they're sweet but spicy and refreshing. So I thought a "mighty mint" could be someone who was small and cute but could pack a punch. Now I'm mightymyntz on everything internet-related. xD

    The "myntz" spelling comes from my mom's preferred brand of breath mints.

  20. I am Pimp My name Is Macy
    I am Pimpcy. That's it that's the joke.

    Long Story: I joined a group of similar interest before Minecraft and all that I socialized there and made friends at the moment doing stupid things that we all enjoyed at the time, well one day one person wanted to draw us all as a "Family" and suggested everyone in this group choose what you wanted to be, I jokingly said I wanted to be the Pimp that's it. It surprisingly caught on and it became popular People started drawing me as a pimp and even I made a character out of it soon all my usernames started having pimp in it one way or another this has been lasting for like 4 years im serious it probably won't end

  21. 8 years ago

    Welp, I'm a big MMO player, and I've played PWI for 7 years now. When I first started playing I was binge watching Inuyasha and always liked the name Kaede (priestess from the show). Wanted to make it my own so I just tweaked the spelling and tried out different sounds to find a similar name I liked. Thus, Naidae (Nigh-ey-day) was born.


  22. Well, this account doesn't belong to me 2.5 years ago. I have this account because friend stopped playing minecraft so he gave this account to me. I don't really know the whole story but this is what I guess.
    The "CreeperLord" part is properly because it's one of the most famous feature in the game. But then, he realized that "CreeperLord" is not available, So he decided to add "170" behind it, which is the bus route we take when we leave school every day.
    That's what I heard from him, not 100% sure if this is the full story. :P

  23. So me, my grandfather, and my brother's ex-wife were all in Las Vegas...

    I was planning to visit my Grandparents in Texas before my family and I were going to move there from California, and they just so happened to be taking a small vacation to Vegas. So we arranged that me, my brother, and his wife at the time would meet up with my grandparents and leave me with them and then I would return to Texas with them. We would spend a week having fun in Vegas together while staying at the MGM Grand Hotel before we left.

    One morning, or rather afternoon as I had slept in on the amazingly comfy bed in the hotel room, my grandpa walked in from just having lunch at the buffet on the ground floor and noticed my bedhead, I had really long hair at the time, and said, "Your hair looks kinda kinky." Not half a second later, my brothers wife walked in behind him and said, "mornin bobo!" Which she often called me. My grandpa looked at me, then back at her, and then once again at me and slowly sounded out the name, "Kink-ky-Bo-bo", and then we all laughed. The name was funny and had a weird catchiness to it so I started using it. Its now the name for my entire gaming identity. Everything from my Xbox Live Gamertag to my Battle.net account is Kinkybobo. If you google it, 80% of the results are my profiles. League of legends account, bungie.net profile, world of warcraft characters... All me =P

  24. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    @Kinkybobo So me, my grandfather, and my brother's ex-wife were all in Las Vegas...

    I was planning to visit my Grandparents in Texas before my family and I were going to move there from California, and they just so happened to be taking a small vacation to Vegas. So we arranged that me, my brother, and his wife at the time would meet up with my grandparents and leave me with them and then I would return to Texas with them. We would spend a week having fun in Vegas together while staying at the MGM Grand Hotel before we left.

    One morning, or rather afternoon as I had slept in on the amazingly comfy bed in the hotel room, my grandpa walked in from just having lunch at the buffet on the ground floor and noticed my bedhead, I had really long hair at the time, and said, "Your hair looks kinda kinky." Not half a second later, my brothers wife walked in behind him and said, "mornin bobo!" Which she often called me. My grandpa looked at me, then back at her, and then once again at me and slowly sounded out the name, "Kink-ky-Bo-bo", and then we all laughed. The name was funny and had a weird catchiness to it so I started using it. Its now the name for my entire gaming identity. Everything from my Xbox Live Gamertag to my Battle.net account is Kinkybobo. If you google it, 80% of the results are my profiles. League of legends account, bungie.net profile, world of warcraft characters... All me =P



  25. @Kinkybobo the way you opened your sentence + having "kinky" in your name..i thought, "oh crap where is this going?"

  26. Doge for obvious reasons.
    Twinkie because I had a name Twinkie McWinkie on a GTA San Andreas Multiplayer server I used to play on.
    Don't know why I took "i", most likely because it looked nice.

    I also needed 15 minutes to think of a name like that =D

  27. Once upon a time there was a scallywag named MagnumOpus who obtained Minecraft using clandestine means. Long he noobed upon a great server with landclaims, caring not a whit for the revenue streams of others. There did he build the first Peerless Monstrosity, the folly that must rise before the game can truly commence. Then one day the map was broken. And Ragnarok was the day the landclaims disappeared.

    MagnumOpus died in the ruins. If you listen carefully, you can still hear his screams, echoing throughout the cosmos...

    Sometime later his spirit had healed somewhat, and looked upon 1.7, and saw that it was good. But scalwaggery had been eliminated. It was time to pay.

    But the name, alas, was taken. But the word has its plural. So MagnaOpera was born.

  28. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    This guy right here.


    Only mofo in every anime I've watched who was capable of defeating a mecha, that also happened to be invisible, using only a sword (ie, no mecha of his own) and while outnumbered.

    I've watched almost a hundred anime series over the span of 20 years and this guy is one of the top two most memorable characters. The name is a tribute to him with a tweak (balgus/valgys) to keep things unique. I began using it when figuring a name out to use for when the mmorpg Dark Ages of Camelot was first released, years later.

  29. My name came from World of Warcraft, I couldn't figure out what to name my Draenei Death Knight, so I hit the random name button until this one came up and been using it since

  30. After I changed my name I wanted something that had to do with food, I thought about FlashFlood, but I ended up with this instead

  31. Edited 8 years ago by BoneChi11er

    Well this started all the way back in Xbox 360 years, I'm talking 2006. First name I used was major001... noob alert. After awhile I thought a change was to be made so I tried LSD. But it was taken. So I tried BoneChiller, which was inspired by a book, but that was taken. So I noobified the name by replacing the ll with 11 and that is how my name came to be. Plus it wasn't used by anyone else like anywhere so yeah.

  32. I just throw in a word with an animal"s name. :P ( and kangaroos squeak so dont call me a mouse when i do that -_- )

  33. squeaker @ViciousKangaroo

  34. Tez could be short for Theresa, but no, I love mathematics and was looking for a game nickname a long time ago and thought 'Tessellations' were interesting and the word sounded good. So Tez is short for Tessellations and of course was taken when it came to minecraft.

    I tried all sorts of variations (including Tezzer, my alt! lol ) and chose the number to get a unique id.
    I like the alliteration and cadence of Teztenten.

    I look forward to hearing from more folks how they chose their name.

  35. Everyone has such interesting name origins and I don't even know mine - well the small part I did is incredibly unoriginal :/

  36. @iclutchHD squeaker @ViciousKangaroo


  37. Dont make me vicious ;)

  38. My name is actually quite simple, Gibson- Guitar brand I started off with, Axe- Nickname used for Guitars hence GibsonAxe :P

  39. @GibsonAxe My name is actually quite simple, Gibson- Guitar brand I started off with, Axe- Nickname used for Guitars hence GibsonAxe :P

    Totally guessed this haha

  40. FishW, because FishA through FishV were taken lol.

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