I've seen faction threads with vital info still on them get locked that can and were still in use that just shits all over the gameplay and trying to connect members for your team?
I've seen threads with potential get locked I mean who's to say "witty weapon names" are going to be locked due to it being old when so many people can come back with new ideas.
And silly, harmless, ones get attacked as well just because someone doesn't like it give the players some freedom come on.
https://forum.craftymynes.com/3528-strangers-company-faq ( still could of been edited or updated in the same thread unless the owners wanted it locked I don't see the issue)
https://forum.craftymynes.com/4311-fix-invisibility-potions ( I agree this one was heavily debated and pushed but the person never got the promise of it being unlocked and notified idk if it was solved or not but worth mentioning the actions)
https://forum.craftymynes.com/1316-craftymynes-history-so-far ( small games like this and little lore, stories, etc getting locked when people are still having fun with them makes no sense unless the original poster or majority of people deem it unworthy to continue I don't see the problem)
https://forum.craftymynes.com/746-rule-exception ( don't know if this got solved in pm or not but makes no sense locking if the same situation occurred is it that triggering to respond in an old thread when the issue still exists? )
it's not a matter of leniency, Locking random threads with barely an excuse and not wanting to deal with them is more on the slacker side.
these are just few of the many examples
Lmao why is being the owner brought up when I was simply stating an opinion makes no sense it's just useless snark.