@CraftyMyner No advertising.
I didn't mean to advertise. Soz
@CraftyMyner No advertising.
I didn't mean to advertise. Soz
Mind telling us what issues are out of control?
Crafty, do you ever plan a purpose for the radio tower?
Have any server rules changed since the servers creation?
Who were the original admins that came along with the creation of the server?
Azrad, Baron, Grant and I.
What ever happened to building benjimin?
{Besides command blocks} What is your favorite block in minecraft?
So wait, do all admins have to give a yes when accepting helpers?
What conditions must be met for a helper to go to mod, mod to admin?
What made you want to be a boat mechanic?
College money
How much training do you need to be a boat mechanic?
Google it
Who is oldest {in time on the server} active player?
Will the VIP+ pvp arena ever be constructed? What will it be like?
Do you ever plan on making a mechanism to make sure non VIP´s can get to the VIP lounge? or to the VIP+ lounge?
@Cankicker8 @CraftyMyner do you play any other games?
Already asked, PlanetSide2, BF3/4, Transport Fever.
Hi CraftyMyner, is there anything possibly(hopefully) in the works to further combat, combat loggers in the arena?
It would be great If there was something other than "so-and-so is a combat logger!" As blesian said, are there any plans? Pretty much everybody who still goes into the arena with god gear ends up logging. Annoying, since there is nothing the people in the arena can do about it. The person who logs can simply wait a week and then log back in, gear intact. I personally think that killing them would work, but, that's just me.
@Blesian Hi CraftyMyner, is there anything possibly(hopefully) in the works to further combat, combat loggers in the arena?
@TheSpiderman2013 It would be great If there was something other than "so-and-so is a combat logger!" As blesian said, are there any plans? Pretty much everybody who still goes into the arena with god gear ends up logging. Annoying, since there is nothing the people in the arena can do about it. The person who logs can simply wait a week and then log back in, gear intact. I personally think that killing them would work, but, that's just me.
Combat logging is a difficult thing to handle. You have to deal with restarts and lag/disconnects. If I kill them, you won't get anything unless they log back in right away. I can't do anything to the player when they are offline. What do you propose to fix these issues?
Well, some of the first things that come to mind are:
(I'm ignorant on all things redstone, so, the rest of these posts are assuming that you could find a way to get around the resets.)
Kill them when they log back in. (Possibly kill on their 2nd or 3rd log (suggested by fluxated))
When they log back in, TP them to the void. This one seems like it would work, as loggers will most likely not want to lose gear every time they log.
Possibly make combat logging a minor offense, resulting in a 1 day ban or something.
Make combat loggers unable to use the arena for a certain amount of time. (I'm not sure exactly how this would work, but I'm sure it could be done somehow.)
Restrict access to trading post or other spawn things...
After a few logs, give them the rank of logger. :^)
Anyway, these are just a few things that popped into mind.
What set of commands do you use to send out "so-and-so is a combat logger!"?
@PlesleronTepryos What set of commands do you use to send out "so-and-so is a combat logger!"?
That's just a tellraw command.
i meant like what commands do you use to detect when they come back on so you can send the tellraw
I feel like you should try to compress your server into a one-command creation
@Retrochewy I feel like you should try to compress your server into a one-command creation
I would hit the character limit.
@PlesleronTepryos i meant like what commands do you use to detect when they come back on so you can send the tellraw
Just the stat.leaveGame or whatever it is.
@CraftyMyner I would hit the character limit.
There's a limit for cmd blocks??
@Retrochewy There's a limit for cmd blocks??
Yes, a character limit, that is.
@Retrochewy There's a limit for cmd blocks??
@CraftyMyner 32,500
maybe make separate commands for the tpa, sethome/gohome, parkour and trading post
@Retrochewy maybe make separate commands for the tpa, sethome/gohome, parkour and trading post
Why would I want to make it into one command block though, it's not like I'm going to distribute it to anyone?
so it's easier to setup a new server.