Control Panel and Private Teleport Requests

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 6 years ago

    @CraftyMyner The control panel was not meant to stop spamming chat, it was just to allow private tp requests. Only to be open in your browser to send a tp request, then closed again.

    Wasn't durected to you, just to r4 since he didn't see a problem with opening a browser so I gave him a legitimate issue people have with opening browsers

  3. @SharpSerac Wasn't durected to you, just to r4 since he didn't see a problem with opening a browser so I gave him a legitimate issue people have with opening browsers

    Just clearing the air for people that think it’s to replace ingame chat commands.

  4. Edited 6 years ago by r4iscool1

    @SharpSerac Wasn't durected to you, just to r4 since he didn't see a problem with opening a browser so I gave him a legitimate issue people have with opening browsers

    If your ram is limited that much then Minecraft itself is going to be near unplayable, there is plenty of low ram usage browsers available as well. So the issue you describe doesn't really exist.

  5. Edited 6 years ago by hypehuman

    @Cileklim This. The new system that we use is sadly a huge downgrade from the book system. I'm aware of the fact that its not possible to use the old system in 1.13 but having to open a browser just to not spam the chat with commands is simply unpractical.

    I agree; having to tab away from the game leaves your character vulnerable to unexpected situations.

    However, it looks like I can access the control panel on my phone, so that should be a good solution for a lot of people. Unfortunately it's a solution that might not be possible for some.

  6. i miss when we could go to our homes without letting everyone in chat know

  7. GOOD NEWS!!!

    After much hard work, you are now able to teleport using /trigger commands!

    I won't go too much into the details about why it took so long but trying to get commands from functions to the panel without spamming the chat or filling up the logs wasn't easy.

    To use these new commands you can run /trigger <command> [set <number>]

    In the Homes/Warps/Particles/Heads lists you can click on the item you want to activate.
    Teleports now have clickable links for accepting and rejecting teleports.


    Teleport to a Player: /trigger tplist
    Go Home: /trigger home
    Go to Home #2: /trigger home set 2
    Set Home #3: /trigger sethome set 3
    List Particles: /trigger particles

  8. Edited 6 years ago by FieryPhoenix64

    Do the .home commands still work or is it just /trigger?

  9. @CraftyMyner

    GOOD NEWS!!!

    After much hard work, you are now able to teleport using /trigger commands!

    I won't go too much into the details about why it took so long but trying to get commands from functions to the panel without spamming the chat or filling up the logs wasn't easy.

    To use these new commands you can run /trigger <command> [set <number>]

    In the Homes/Warps/Particles/Heads lists you can click on the item you want to activate.
    Teleports now have clickable links for accepting and rejecting teleports.


    Teleport to a Player: /trigger tplist
    Go Home: /trigger home
    Go to Home #2: /trigger home set 2
    Set Home #3: /trigger sethome set 3
    List Particles: /trigger particles

    Nice work Crafty! Whats the trigger for the book? :^)

  10. @FieryPhoenix64 Do the .home commands still work or is it just /trigger?

    Both methods still work.

    @iwarriiori Nice work Crafty! Whats the trigger for the book? :^)

    No book, might have a chat based menu soon though.

  11. @CraftyMyner ... might have a chat based menu soon though.

    Chat based system now implemented!!!

  12. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by Pwnanite

    Where did the Control Panel on the forum go?

  13. @Pwnanite you can do private tps with trigger commands now so no need for it

  14. Do /trigger tplist

  15. it had a very good use.. it allowed you to accept a tp request without using the TPA of the server.

  16. As said above, with the /trigger commands, it's not needed in the current form. It will be moved to "Player Panel". I'm restructuring a lot of the services that make up CraftyMynes, I hope to add more functionality to the Player Panel soon.

  17. @CraftyMyner As said above, with the /trigger commands, it's not needed in the current form. It will be moved to "Player Panel". I'm restructuring a lot of the services that make up CraftyMynes, I hope to add more functionality to the Player Panel soon.

    A true Craftymynes patriot that loves his server!

  18. 4 years ago

    So about this Player Panel, is it a thing already that I cant find? or is still a work in progress?

  19. Good question

  20. @Pwnanite So about this Player Panel, is it a thing already that I cant find? or is still a work in progress?

    That feature has been removed, as stated in the other thread regarding private tps

  21. Edited 4 years ago by Pwnanite

    "I'm restructuring a lot of the services that make up CraftyMynes, I hope to add more functionality to the Player Panel soon."

    is what i was referring to, was curious about the Player Panel.
    *Genuinely just curious if thats still gonna be a thing, or if maybe i misunderstand what the term player panel refers to. Not trying to stir up a bees nest here lol*

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