SwagShop™ - Updated June 6th - Restock on Eggs - New Eggs!!!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by PapaNeon

    ~~~Updated May 22nd - Totems, Shulkers, New Eggs!!! ~~~

    SwagShop™ is now accepting Emeralds as well for all books!

    SwagShop™ Gains Another Member!

    @Inyashi is now an official member of SwagShop™, and as such you can also deal business through her if Mizore or Myself are unavailable to be added into our weekly giveaways.


    We're Buying Emeralds! https://forum.craftymynes.com/7625-swag-shop-buying-emeralds

    Weekly Giveaways

    Valid time for entry will be from Sunday to Saturday each week.

    Your order must be picked up and paid for in full BEFORE the end of Saturday (CST) to be entered into the contest.

    Winner will be announced at the end of the day Saturday (CST).

    A minimum amount of at least 10 Diamonds paid in a single transaction is required to be entered in the contest.

    One entry per account. Only the account who paid for and picked up the order in game will be entered into the draw, regardless of who placed the order.


    Current Giveaway - Silk God Pick w/ Vanishing!

    ( June 10th - June 17th Winner - THIS COULD BE YOU! - Silk God Pick w/ Vanishing )
    ( June 3rd - June 10th Winner - @Dennari43 - God Pants w/ Vanishing )
    ( May 27th - June 2nd Winner - @sknup - Fortune & Silk God Picks )
    ( May 20th - May 26th Winner - @GrandpaCarl00 - God Boots w/ Vanishing )
    ( May 13th - May 19th Winner - @davidgoliat - Zombie Grinder Sword )
    ( May 6th - May 12th Winner - @Inyashi - Random Spawn Egg )
    ( April 29th - May 5th Winner - @OtherGreenGamer - God Boots w/ Vanishing )
    ( April 22th - April 28sth Winner - No one! )
    ( April 15th - April 21st Winner - No one! )
    ( April 8th - April 14th Winner - @AttackTeam - God Helmet )
    ( April 1st - April 7th Winner - @AttackTeam - God Sword, No KB )

    Current Entrants:


    Feel free to check out our old shop page, it's ripe with history and memes, along with our original shop video based on pawn stars here: https://forum.craftymynes.com/2623-mizore-s-swag-shop-closed-till-after-reset/0

    For those not familiar with our shop process, just post what you'd like to order as a reply, and we'll get it to you, typically within 2 days or shorter. We'll quote your post and reply to you once your order is filled so you'll know when it's ready for pick up.

    Any news or updates will always be at the top of this post, along with a date and brief description so you can stay up to date on all Swag Shop News and Updated Prices!

    ~~~Here's what we've got~~~


    God Sword: 18 Diamonds, or 20 with Knock Back II Added.
    Looting III
    Sharpness V
    Fire Aspect II
    Unbreaking III
    Sweeping Edge III

    God Shield: 5 Diamonds
    Unbreaking III

    God Bow: 13 Diamonds
    Punch II
    Power V
    Unbreaking III
    Infinity OR Mending

    God Picks: 12 Diamonds
    Efficiency V
    Unbreaking III
    Fortune III OR Silk Touch

    God Axe: 13 Diamonds
    Efficiency V
    Sharpness V
    Unbreaking III
    Fortune III OR Silk Touch

    God Shovel: 11 Diamonds
    Efficiency V
    Unbreaking III
    Fortune III OR Silk Touch

    God Rod: 13 Diamonds
    Lure III
    Luck III
    Unbreaking III



    79 Diamonds ( A bit pricier than other's at the moment, but no limit on availability! )
    Helmet: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Aqua Affinity, Respiration III, Mending
    Chest: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending
    Pants: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending
    Boots: Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III, Mending

    Swap Depth Strider for Frost Walker for 1 Diamond less!
    Add Thorns 3 for 2 Diamonds more!



    God Helmet: 20 Diamonds
    Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Aqua Affinity, Respiration III, Mending

    God Chest: 19 Diamonds ( Add Thorns for 2 Diamonds More )
    Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending

    God Pants: 18 Diamonds
    Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending

    God Boots: 22 Diamonds ( Swap Depth Strider For Frost Walker for 1 Less Diamond! )
    Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Feather Falling IV, Depth Strider III, Mending

    Require a somewhat different configuration on your armor / weapons? We build to order. Contact us for pricing and options!



    While Supplies Last!!!

    Shulker Chests: 12 Diamonds
    Available in custom colours.

    Saddle: 1 Diamond
    We have so many its disgusting.

    Iron Horse Armor: 1 Diamond
    Comes With Saddle.

    Gold Horse Armor: 2 Diamonds
    Comes With Saddle.

    Diamond Horse Armor: 3 Diamonds
    Comes With Saddle.

    Music Discs: 5 Diamonds

    Contact us for availability.

    TNT (8): 23 Diamonds

    Gunpowder (16): 1 Diamond Blocks

    God Apples: 15 Diamond Blocks ( Only 1 In Stock! )

    Beacons: 3 Diamond Blocks

    Dragon Heads: 2 Diamond Blocks

    Wither Skeleton Skulls: 3 Diamond Blocks Sold Out!

    Creeper / Skeleton / Zombie Skulls: 2 Diamond Blocks ( More In stock! )

    Elytra: 4 Diamond Blocks
    Mint condition, Comes with Mending and Unbreaking III on it.

    Steve / Alex Heads: 1 Diamond
    We buy and sell heads at this rate. Please contact us if you're interested in buying or selling.

    Player Heads: 3 Diamonds
    We buy and sell heads at this rate. Please contact us if you're interested in buying or selling.

    Totem: 100 Diamond Blocks
    Only one in stock, get it now! No Reserves!



    Bat Egg: 5 Diamond Blocks ( We Have 2! )

    Llama Egg: 5 Diamond Blocks Sold Out!

    Mooshroom Egg: 7 Diamond Blocks Sold Out!

    Silver Fish Egg: 4 Diamond Blocks Sold Out!

    Polar Bear Egg: Sold Out!

    Chicken Egg: 4 Diamond Blocks Sold Out!

    Parrot Egg: 5 Diamond Blocks Sold Out!

    Snow Golem Egg: 4 Diamond Blocks (We Have 2!)

    Squid Egg: 5 Diamond Blocks

    Have multiples of some, contact us in game for availability.



    Y'all got anymore of that mending? Fuck yes we do.

    Bane V: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds
    Smite V: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds
    Sharp V: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds
    Looting III: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Fire Aspect II: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Knock Back II: 1 Diamond / 16 Emeralds
    Sweeping Edge III: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds

    Power V: 3 Diamonds / 48 Emeralds
    Punch II: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Infinity: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Flame: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds

    Thorns III: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Aqua Affinity: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Respiration III: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Frost Walker II: 3 Diamonds / 48 Emeralds
    Depth Strider III: 3 Diamonds / 48 Emeralds
    Feather Falling IV: 3 Diamonds / 48 Emeralds
    Protection IV: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds
    Fire Protection IV: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds
    Blast Protection IV: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds
    Projectile Protection IV: 5 Diamonds / 80 Emeralds

    Luck III: 3 Diamonds / 48 Emeralds
    Lure III: 4 Diamonds / 64 Emeralds

    Picks / Tools / General:
    Mending: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Silk Touch: 1 Diamond / 16 Emeralds
    Fortune III: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Efficiency V: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Unbreaking III: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds

    Vanishing: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds
    Binding: 2 Diamonds / 32 Emeralds


    Contact either me or @PapaNeon in game or on the forums to make a trade!

    ...and with Humfry gone, Swag-shop will now reign supreme. Long live Swag Shop!

  2. That opening was absolutely stunning

  3. Well looks like we're crashing the economy again. But hey this time it'll be both our faults!

  4. Buying polar bear egg

  5. @Cileklim Buying polar bear egg

    We've got it held for you. Contact either me or @PapaNeon to do the exchange.

  6. Cant view the vid

  7. I'll buy a polar egg bear

  8. potato

  9. Buying ten vanishing and ten binding books

  10. I'll buy a polar egg bear

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    Also buying 6 diamond horse armor

    Nevermind I found a chest full of horse armor

  12. I'm buying:
    Full Godset
    Godsword (no KB)
    Fort god pick

  13. I'm buying:
    Full God Armor
    God Sword (no KB)

  14. Edited 7 years ago by humfrydog

    Your missing quite a few items like slime, shulker chests , concrete, terracotta, ink and redstone stuff. but thats ok I got that at my shop for my loyal customers

  15. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by j____a____r____d

    @humfrydog Your missing quite a few items like slime, shulker chests , concrete, terracotta, ink and redstone stuff. but thats ok I got that at my shop for my loyal customers

    Strengthen the CraftyMynes economy by supporting your local businesses, and don't give in to cheap, inferior machine-crafted Swag Shop goods!

    Buy from Humfrydog's House of Color and Special Wares today! Choose from a wide variety of handcrafted items that Swag Shop doesn't sell, like endless building materials for your next project!

  16. stop trolling and set up your own business if you don't like this concept

  17. @AttackTeam stop trolling and set up your own business if you don't like this concept


  18. @Heat_of_the_cold I'm buying:
    Full God Armor
    God Sword (no KB)

    @_Yul I'm buying:
    Full Godset
    Godsword (no KB)
    Fort god pick

    @AttackTeam Buying ten vanishing and ten binding books

    Your orders are ready for pickup

  19. rip economy and competition

  20. @humfrydog Your missing quite a few items like slime, shulker chests , concrete, terracotta, ink and redstone stuff. but thats ok I got that at my shop for my loyal customers

    I wouldn't be too worried. We're not into the color selling business like you are, and i'm 99% sure as of this post that everything we carry that you do as well is priced the same, or in most cases cheaper here. :P

    As for @deyahruhd, I'd recommend against advertising on other peoples shop pages on others like that. Not only is it off topic , but from our experience from our last shop page, it tends to backfire pretty badly.

  21. Newer ›

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