looks amazing!
just curious but does that all prot happen to be the one i sold you? :^)
i might possibly be willing to donate some artifacts
@deyahruhd just curious but does that all prot happen to be the one i sold you? :^)
i might possibly be willing to donate some artifacts
It is! If you have any interesting artifacts, I'd probably be willing to buy them. Hell, that wooden pick cost me 2 db!
All i have is a cake from the 4th or 6th year anniversary. I forget. I think only like 10 exist
@ryanandrew123 All i have is a cake from the 4th or 6th year anniversary. I forget. I think only like 10 exist
Alot of those exist bro but they're scarce anyways
@Th3GreenGamer It is! If you have any interesting artifacts, I'd probably be willing to buy them. Hell, that wooden pick cost me 2 db!
i have a one of a kind enchanted boat. no one else on the server has it but me
is greengamers ban appeal for cheating in the museum??
It should be >:3
He was banned ?
a long long time ago
in a update far far away
@Schlocked i have a one of a kind enchanted boat. no one else on the server has it but me
I'll take it for 20 db if I catch you online
Why would a boat be enchanted?
I think I have one of those as well
Ohhh thats one of the boats given for cheating in the halloween maze.
i have a artifact i would like to sell
it tis an artifact, not receivable by the mortal hand of a player. it can only be created by the overlords of the world. conjured in the palm of a god. 2 weeks ago, I received this item as a gift from papa neon himself, and I would like to sell it, as it gives me to much power, too much greed. you must lock it away. far in the deep vaults of the museum.
only I, and one other mortal player, has this artifact, for i was able to copy the creation, but it drained my soul...