so the day has come. i am going to leave the craftymynes community. not completely, i still may come on to hang out but nothing much.
- 32db
- 15gb
- 15eb
- my base, but what I like to call it is HQ
- a few shulkers of supplies
- a tour of my project
- snowgolem egg
- creeper head
- 3 slime stacks
- 20 ib
it is a small base but, very rich. a tour will come out soon; all you have to do is leave a comment down bellow, i will randomly pick using <-- i will use that to choose. everyone will be entered as long as they comment, and if you get picked you just have to solve a simple problem. i will draw in 2 days. also @rnc2011 your head will be put in good hands :)
( inspiration from @Scrappy_Dont )