For an emblem that's a great image, but as a logo, not so much. An emblem can be emblazoned and grandiose, but a logo should be simple. A good logo should not have more than three or four colors, as well as being easily recreated from memory.
Also, the bright colors with the thin white strokes cam cause optical illusions like fuzzy/shifting lines, thus creating prolonged viewing to cause eye strain.
Another suggestion I have us about the font. It almost feels lack-luster compared to the vibrant and detailed bird. Ignoring the right "N" the emblem is symmetrical.
My suggestions are to change the stroke color to a blue that's the same color as the N's, reduce the colors used from nine to four (remove separate shading colors, pull existing colors into the stroke), darken the colors slightly (still bright, just not neon bright), simplify the design to where most people could reproduce it from memory, and mirror the second N (if you wish to continue using it).
I hope this comes across as constructive, and not me tearing apart a great emblem. Props to Pimpcy for creating this fantastic drawing, i just dont think it works as a logo.