1. 5 years ago

    Hello there felow Craftymyners, I think because 1.16 is such a big update, Craftymynes should restart. I also think we've 'played up' this world and a restart would blow new life into the server.

  2. 4 years ago

    hell no, the appeal of a server Is the established economy, hierarchy, and builds which would all be wiped out by a reset.

  3. I am not sure but I believe that its been over a year since the server reset last, and things added in the new update will cause issues if there is not a reset of at least the nether

  4. @The_Maser hell no, the appeal of a server Is the established economy, hierarchy, and builds which would all be wiped out by a reset.

    I agree with you I don’t want to lose my gated community.

  5. @Louis_Vuitton8 I agree with you I don’t want to lose my gated community.

    Agreed, too soon for a full reset imo if there will be one

  6. why not just reset the nether .... i mean only the nether terrain will be affected by the update

  7. @nickta why not just reset the nether .... i mean only the nether terrain will be affected by the update

    People base in the nether

  8. Edited 4 years ago by Dennari43

    This is a debate that gets brought up with every major update, so I will reiterate what I have heard and said in the past. It really sucks to lose your progress and I understand that's why most people are hesitant or against a reset. My best advice to that is to remember to always take screenshots and pictures of your base for memory's sake. Because there's no way to know if your base will get raided or griefed tomorrow, next week, or not at all. We take that risk on this server and most long standing players have come to accept that understanding. The same goes for server resets. We may not like them all the time, but it's how it goes.

    I am all for a reset for a few reasons:

    1. Several players have nether bases. It would be extremely unfair for their bases to be erased while everyone else on the server is unaffected. You could argue this is the same as getting raided, but there's a big difference between a player getting raided by another player and several players having the server owner erase their progress and only their progress.
    2. No update or just a partial update will make it harder to stay high on the server list charts and Craftymynes won't get seen as much, won't get as many new players, won't get as many donations, and will all together suffer because we didn't want to have a fresh start when the update releases. I for one love this server and want to see it succeed, and that means sometimes losing everything for a reset.
    3. I personally think it has been long enough for a full reset. We have seen factions rise and fall, hundreds of bases pillaged and raided, and insane builds reborn at new locations, all within this map. It has lived a full life and I think it is time for a fresh start.

    I encourage other long standing players to give their opinions on this. Those with the most will also have the most to give up, and I'd love to hear what you have to think on this.

  9. Yes, either no reset, or a full reset of the map, no in betweens. Every partial reset has fucked up the map.

  10. Honestly, I'd like a reset

  11. Anytime there is a huge, major update to the game, a map reset is always best to ensure proper data integrity and avoid glitches & errors in gameplay, all the while making sure all new feature are fully available & accessible to the players. Therefore, a map reset is usually best in these circumstances. While it's always sad to let things go, it's fun to move forward with the new maps, new friends we'll meet that come online, and all new features to see & experience! This upcoming update is perhaps the largest yet. It should be a very enjoyable experience for us all.

    Be sure to take lots of pictures for posterity! :D

  12. Well I can always build AssLand 2.0

  13. I think a server reset would be nice. I have several large projects I would lose, but I haven't wanted to start anything new knowing 1.16 was around the corner. This will give me a chance to build bigger and better than ever, not that I can finish the projects I start already. I'm looking forward to it!

  14. So now that there’s a release date will we finally get a definite yes or no answer for the reset?

    I would prefer a nether reset not over world update

  15. https://forum.craftymynes.com/9317-there-s-something-in-the-air

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