CraftyMynes Owner AMA

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago
    Deleted 4 years ago by jxo_
  3. Please explain lottery you people are making.
    What has been the fastest acension of someon from normal player to admin?
    How much does it cost to keep the server running?
    What happens when the server grows to like 80 player on average? Will the lag be too much?
    Could you please add an "advice?" function?
    I've heard rumors of a coming PVP tournement, is this true?
    Do you think there will be any security issues due to Baron's channel as when I see his videos I can figure out how you catch X rayers?

  4. @PlesleronTepryos How many programming languages are you fluent with and which ones do you still you want to learn?

    Quite a few, most of the web languages (HTML,CSS,JS,PHP,MySQL), Java, Python, a bit of swift, C/C++/Arduino, VB and Xojo. I would like to do more hardware programing like robotics and home automation. By far, Xojo is my most fluent language.

  5. @LeoSushi How did you first get into programming?

    I first started with making websites, my first real program was a lighting board for my school.

  6. @JustJams
    How much say do you get in the server, gameplay wise (Spawn Villagers, Little Spawn Features)? or is it mostly/all your admins?

    Well really, I kinda have 100% control over everything but I trust my admins to do a good job. I do about 99% of the command blocks/systems, a lot of spawn and help a bit with other buildings.

  7. @gilbertboys Please explain lottery you people are making.


    @gilbertboys What has been the fastest acension of someon from normal player to admin?

    About 3-4 months.

    @gilbertboys How much does it cost to keep the server running?

    A lot, there is also a bunch of hidden costs. Have a look at the donation goal on the store.

    @gilbertboys What happens when the server grows to like 80 player on average? Will the lag be too much?

    We have been there before. There's not a whole lot we can do, however, I would like to get my hands on the new 7700k OC'ed from OVH when they get released.

    @gilbertboys Could you please add an "advice?" function?

    What would this do? Seems like more unnecessary spam.

    @gilbertboys I've heard rumors of a coming PVP tournement, is this true?

    Maybe, I dont keep track of that stuff.

    @gilbertboys Do you think there will be any security issues due to Baron's channel as when I see his videos I can figure out how you catch X rayers?

    We have many more ways.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by _Ami_13_

    @CraftyMyner About 3-4 months.

    Who was that can I ask ??

    Also my other question- If you could create any new dungeon type thing in MC, what would it be, which biome would it be found in and what sort of gimmick would keep it's loot safe, such as desert temples and the TNT ??

  9. @jamlbon Who was that can I ask ??


    @jamlbon Also my other question- If you could create any new dungeon type thing in MC, what would it be, which biome would it be found in and what sort of gimmick would keep it's loot safe, such as desert temples and the TNT ??

    The temple of bugs. All the bugs in Minecraft would be found there, if you could get past a command block challenge you could kill each bug in Minecraft one by one.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by PlesleronTepryos

    Lonewolf doesn't seem to be on the forums, is he banned, or did he come before staff applications?

  11. @PlesleronTepryos Lonewolf doesn't seem to be on the forums, is he banned, or did he come before staff applications?

    He is on the old forums like most of the old staff members.

  12. What has been the fastest acension of someon from normal player to admin?
    About 3-4 months.

    lol really ? or is that a joke?

  13. @2Chill What has been the fastest acension of someon from normal player to admin?
    About 3-4 months.

    lol really ? or is that a joke?

    It's real, but wasn't a very good idea.

  14. @CraftyMyner It's real, but wasn't a very good idea.

    Story time?

  15. @GrinningBobcat Story time?


  16. What was the longest time you had to wait for food in a restaurant? Mine was 2 hours.

  17. Whats your favorite Craftymynes meme you saw players pass around in chat

  18. A question directly to crafty, why aren't we allowed to speak about certain famous hackers or admins that did not follow the rules?

  19. @gilbertboys A question directly to crafty, why aren't we allowed to speak about certain famous hackers or admins that did not follow the rules?

    Because reasons.

  20. @gilbertboys A question directly to crafty, why aren't we allowed to speak about certain famous hackers or admins that did not follow the rules?

    The past is the past and some things don't need to be brought back up. Let's say your pants fell down in front of you whole school 10 years ago, you wouldn't want some guy going around reminding you of it every day?

  21. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys


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