Hello Everyone I noticed there is a new owner called Proxia in the members page of the forum if anyone could explain I would appreciate it.
Hello Everyone I noticed there is a new owner called Proxia in the members page of the forum if anyone could explain I would appreciate it.
Prox gas been co-owner since I was helper
Ahh thank you for the info Vene I have never seen him on before though
Proxia doesn't come on very often but has been around since I started on the server in 1.8
Proxeria does most of the heavy lifting and Crafty takes the all the credit smh!
nah all proxeria does is grief spawn castles and pretend he has authority
Proxeria is my GF
Wish i had a GF
I'm pretty sure there is a scandalous picture Pimpcy drew of Crafty and Server, how does Prox feel about that?
Can I see the picture?
good luck, it was made like 4-5 years ago
Skype deleted my messages from back then
What was the drawing of precisely?
Crafty's skin and a personification of the server in a room
For some reason I vaguely remember that
I believe it was in spawn during 1.8
Yep, under the castle, next to spawn map
@Th3GreenGamer I believe it was in spawn during 1.8
@Venetorem Yep, under the castle, next to spawn map
Shit, that was it! Though admittedly I thought the server was supposed to be someone else.
@deyahruhd Shit, that was it! Though admittedly I thought the server was supposed to be someone else.
I thought it was that one admin
@iwarriiori Yeah right?? What happened with them anyways!
@deyahruhd @iwarriiori Yeah right?? What happened with them anyways!
The deep server had its way with them. Sad!