Solutions for the lag?

  1. 5 years ago

    Just curious if there is any chance at all of switching to a bukkit/plugin base server that would allow for the control of entities (and other bugs with the current version), until mojang finally comes around to fixing them?
    I am not saying add any changes to the gameplay itself, just server managing plugins that would help ease up on the crippling lag. The gameplay will still be 100% vanilla.
    It's especially rough for new players who don't understand that it is not at the fault of the server, just the game version having issues, which leads to loss of new players and all.
    I know its a touchy subject, this question is plain curiosity nothing more.

  2. Changing to spigot is a one-way road for the most part, so if we were to change, it would mean everyone would have to be on board. It also is not just as simple as changing the jar to spigot/paper, almost everything about the server has been purpose bit for vanilla. It would take a lot of time and effort on my part to manage it all, with my current work schedule I just don't have the time.

  3. i think if we changed to spigot we would also be in their hands waiting for them to update after mojang does

  4. I have a solution.

  5. Auto kick players who are default, starting with the lowest tick count if the server tick rate goes below 10 ticks per second.

    this would be my solution to the lag. limit the number of players, with a sort of white list that lets the paid players priority to the server.

    or getting a ton more ram and using a ram disk to store the game so that load times are improved. warning this would subject the server to lots and lots of bad things if the power went out. but ram has much faster read and write times than SSDs. however I guess i do think some ram disks have a back up to hard drive feature. so maybe not too much would be lost in a power failure.

    however i am not a computer guy. nor have i even attempted to look at hosting minecraft servers so i have no idea how practical theses suggestions would be. and please don't take them because i have no idea what the far reaching complications could be, you know the butterfly effect and all that! maybe a ram disk will use more power which will cause rolling black outs and the end of the industrial world!

  6. The ram isnt the issue. if i remember right, Mojang runs vanilla minecraft though a single core. Bukkit and Spiggot fix this to run multicore, which is why they get such signifigant performance improvement. We already use the best possible combination of server components for CraftyMynes....

    Mojang dosent care about us Hardcore survivalists. if they would just implement the multicore coding, this whole problem could go away. We've been asking since 1.8 came out.

    We've fought through the lag issues time and time again and will continues fighting through them to the best of our abilities.

  7. @iwarriiori I have a solution.


  8. Lets be honest, the chances of Mojang fixing the lag problem is like finding a skeleton with full diamond armor at night, and I've only ever seen one in my years of playing Minecraft. So with that said, this conversation will continue to come up unless the whole community and Crafty decide to change the server. And even then, someone will find a new problem to talk about. Yes this lag is so bad that many active and great players are leaving and considering not coming back, not I of course. This is a really nice community and I would hate to see everyone leave because of something that the server, nor the owner is not responsible for. There really is no solid answer for us to do besides play the lag infected game, or leave....

  9. I know it is easy for me to say seeing as I would not have to do any of the work but I would definitely favor moving on to a spigot/bukkit server. I mean unless there is less than 6-8 people online and playing the lag is was so bad earlier today I spent well over 10 minutes in a black void, no movement no nothing for both my primary homes where I play...
    Anyhow if it just wouldn't be manageable due to IRL etc. or other reasons I totally understand.

  10. @Fingerbib TELL

    Ban em.

  11. @BlueAce56 Lets be honest, the chances of Mojang fixing the lag problem is like finding a skeleton with full diamond armor at night, and I've only ever seen one in my years of playing Minecraft. So with that said, this conversation will continue to come up unless the whole community and Crafty decide to change the server. And even then, someone will find a new problem to talk about. Yes this lag is so bad that many active and great players are leaving and considering not coming back, not I of course. This is a really nice community and I would hate to see everyone leave because of something that the server, nor the owner is not responsible for. There really is no solid answer for us to do besides play the lag infected game, or leave....

    It’s apparently been fixed

  12. Edited 5 years ago by bgmg

    I do have to point out that this lag is never going to go away - Mojang will just keep adding more crap on top of what's already a mess of a code. Maybe it's time to have some sort of poll for plug-ins? Not saying we need big changes now but this crippling lag can't be good in for CM's future.

    Here is a list of pros & cons of some plug-ins for anti lag purposes that I collected (feel free to discuss):
    Pros :

    • Reduces lag (& weight on the server hadware?)
    • Better for new players & older players who might want to play more often
    • Could allow for larger maps in the future? (may not be related at all due to that being a Storage thing)

    Cons :

    • CM has been running vanilla for a long time
    • Most things run using vanilla such as the control panel
    • CM would be dependent on Bukkit/Pigot to update to new versions of minecraft

    Question is... Do players want that? Is it good in the long term? Will it a take a ridiculous amount of hard work to get done? Could CM continue to stay 100% vanilla for the upcoming months/years? Will the gameplay change or CM as a whole?

  13. I say leave it vanillia.

    I love minecraft comes out with an update. then in an hour crafty mynes updates!

    with plugins, we would have to wait months for the plugins to update. and often times the plugins do not update.

  14. I have just looked into the update release dates of previous versions and at least spigot usually comes out within the same week. I have gone through a handful of forums and found a few talking about also being just survival with a couple admin plugins being used. I could still be wrong but this "Update takes forever" argument just does not seem to be valid? Feel free to prove this wrong <<<
    Perhaps we can wait and see for the 1.14.3 version and see if that fixes it. If it still continues maybe then we could raise the issue again and explore possible resolutions?

  15. @Jkeller4000 I say leave it vanillia.

    I love minecraft comes out with an update. then in an hour crafty mynes updates!

    with plugins, we would have to wait months for the plugins to update. and often times the plugins do not update.

    @Aeristacho I have just looked into the update release dates of previous versions and at least spigot usually comes out within the same week. I have gone through a handful of forums and found a few talking about also being just survival with a couple admin plugins being used. I could still be wrong but this "Update takes forever" argument just does not seem to be valid? Feel free to prove this wrong <<<
    Perhaps we can wait and see for the 1.14.3 version and see if that fixes it. If it still continues maybe then we could raise the issue again and explore possible resolutions?

    This used to be the case, however, with snapshots and the way that spigot is just patching the mojang jar and not re-writing large parts of it, updates are much faster. PaperSpigot is likely what we would be using. Minecraft 1.14 came out April 23 and paperspigot came out May 7th, so about 2 weeks where we would not have the newest version until they update. The slow down with plugin servers is when they run 100's of plugins and not every plugin dev updates their plugins, as a semi-vanilla server we would be running no plugins or maybe just a few anti lag type plugins. The time to update would be much quicker, just at the mercy of paperspigot. One other thing is that paperspigot updates 1-2 times a week, so it would be quite the task to vet each version and update.

    I think the main thing this comes down to is how people feel about, how much they want and, whether they can support the staff and I through the upgrade process as it would be a hell of a lot of work both technically and administratively (we could likely support more players)

    It would be a ton of time and effort for me of which I just don't have the time, I would want to be sure this is the right decision and what the players wanted before proceeding.

    Polls have in the past not been a great representation of what players want as the % of players on the forum is quite low to the players on the server. I would be likely making a poll that operates on the server.


  16. I want the server to continue with game play as near to vanilla as possible. I am open to whatever achieves this goal. I feel the server is dying due to massive mobs and lag. chunks load slow also.. If we can add a few things to fix this while maintaining the Vanilla feel I am on board.

  17. Edited 5 years ago by Aeristacho

    How about make a poll both on the forums and in game?
    I see you are stressing how much of a workload this will be, especially for you and your administrative teatm. Perhaps you could poll it in the staff circles first?

  18. @iwarriiori Ban em.

    you heard him bois

  19. Edited 5 years ago by Compos

    it might have a bit to do with villagers.

    I noticed at 8 game time there was a lag spike.

    then at 6 in game time there was a huge lag spike and the game crashed.

    I am hoping that maybe someone can come and visit all players villages and give suggestions on how to make the villagers finding their work stations easier.

    or verify that it is villages? because maybe i am just trying to find a pattern where there is none?

    or it could be the iron golems in town, i had to set up a way that auto killed the iron golems because they would keep spawning and get quiet a few. maybe there are towns out there with many golems trapped in a house making the server do millions of collision calculations.

  20. Mojang should feel responsible to do something on vanilla servers, because it doesn't make sense to use plug-ins in order to play a vanilla game with a vanilla experience. In fact, it is quite ironic. But since Mojang doesn't benefit monetarily at all from servers, I feel we might be doomed to be in this eternal loop if we don't come up with a solution ourselves

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